Your Intercity Transport Business Needs To Go Digital Today

4 min readMay 21, 2020


Majority of Nigeria’s private bus companies use manual systems for their operations. For many years, this mode of operation has been adequate to keep them in business. Although recently, there has been an increase in the number of intercity transport providers adopting digital solutions to coordinate their operations, many have continued with the paper-based system.

Going digital can unlock more benefits for bus companies than a paper-based system can. Rather than just surviving, they can begin to have a competitive edge over their competitors. As we have witnessed in recent years, technology is disrupting the transportation industry and any bus company that refuses to adapt to the change might die out before they know it.

As a digital solutions provider in the ground transportation sector, we have seen first-hand the value that a digital operations or reservations system like T40’s can add to the operations of bus companies. Here are some of the benefits:

Reduced costs and increased efficiency

Ultimately, the goal of every business is to make profit. Even with increased revenue, if an organization’s expenses are not kept at a minimal level they run the risk of running at a loss. By adopting a digital operations system, a bus company can have their operational costs reduced and the provision of their services improved as they would be able to better monitor their business processes.

Meeting increased demand as you scale

As your bus company grows, you need a robust system that has the ability to scale and be deployed rapidly in all of your bus terminals. A digital operations system is the right tool you need to ensure that your business is not overwhelmed by increased demand and patronage from customers.

Enhancing your service offerings

A digital operations system is just the right tool you need to adapt to changing consumer behavior. Today’s consumers do not have the time to wait to hear back from you about your ride information or the routes that you ply. They want to be able to search for your rides, compare prices between different travel periods, and make ticket purchases from the comfort of their homes without any stress. A digital operations system allows you to provide this service and you could also add new features and upgrades to your solution as times goes on to enhance your business.

Improving your customer experience

By having a digital operations platform, you would be able to offer your services to your customers in a variety of ways, thereby improving their experience. For example, you would be able to offer more personalized products and services such as mobile bookings, seat reservations flexi-passes, and dynamic pricing — a concept which would allow you to sell your tickets to your passengers at a price they are willing to pay at a specific point in time.

Growing your ridership and revenue

Having a digital system for your operations allows you to have more reach to travelers making it possible to advertise your rides and promotional campaigns to them through multiple channels over the internet. It also equips you with the data you need about your passengers to communicate to them about your offers, increasing ridership.

Making data-driven decisions about your operations

With a digital operations system, you would not need to make assumptions anymore. You would have all the data you need to make business decisions such as which routes are your busiest, what are the popular travel times for your passengers, what time of day do your customers typically purchase their travel tickets etc.

Empowering your IT team to enhance your business

There is no reason for you to build your own digital reservations system from scratch when you can find a suitable and cost-effective off-the-shelf system from a digital solutions provider that can do the job. This allows your IT team to spend less time and resources managing your systems and more time enhancing your business.

Act Short Term, Think Long Term

As a bus company deciding on a digital operations system to adopt, it can be tempting for you to build your own tool as you think you will have more control and can do it better yourself. Before you do decide, think about the resources that you will need to build and maintain your system in the long run. Does your company have the internal capability and capital to pull this off?

If your answer to the question is NO, then let us help you decide. T40 is offering bus operators a limited 60-day free access to our suite of digital products. Why not try it today? Send us an email at so that we can provide you with the support you need to offer the best service to your customers.




Leading digitization in ground transportation across Africa.